
    How should I clean my floor?
Simply sweep, dustmop or vacuum. Your vacuum should have rubber wheels so it won't scratch the floor. Most flooring dealers also sell cleaning kits, which come with a mop as well as an approved cleaner.
How can I prevent my hardwood floor from scratching?
Put felt or fabric-faced glides under the legs of furniture to prevent scuffing and scratching.
Why there are gaps in between the boards on my floor?
During the summer, there is a lot of humidity in the air. Your hardwood floor soaks up this humidity and expands. During the winter when the heat is turned on, the floor dries and starts to gap. There are a couple of tips we recommend to try and avoid this problem. Try to keep the room at a constant 40-50% humidity level using an air conditioner, humidifier, or a dehumidifier. Also, prior to installation, let your floor acclimate to its surroundings  3 days before the floor is to be laid, bring the flooring into the area where the floor is to be installed.
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Wood flooring is cupping and buckling. Is the floor material defective?
Excessive moisture is the most common cause of buckling floors. Moisture can come from leaking pipes, wet/damp basements or crawl spaces, plywood exposed to the elements during construction, and houses left vacant without proper ventilation.
You would need to identify the source of the problem, and eliminate it. Floors can also buckle if a proper expansion gap around each wall is not used.
If your floor is cupping or buckling and you cannot find the source of the problem, contact us or your flooring contractor.
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hardwood instalation
floor sanding
floor staining
Deep clean
Deep clean